
Andrea is a mother, prophet, psalmist, songwriter, entrepreneur, and a published author. She works full time in public service and is the CEO of Expressively Unique Creations. Andrea is a proud mother of three boys and two girls. She has served as a worship and ministry leader for over ten years
Andrea loves God, worship, and is committed to fulfilling His purpose for her life. She has a passion for true and authentic worship which has led her to author her debut book, The Sought-After Worshipper: Becoming the Worshipper God desires.
Andrea has loved singing since she was a child and has grown into a prophetic psalmist. Her love for God and desire to see the body of Christ function in its full power and potential inspires her unyielding determination to release a sound that penetrates the heart of the people and awaken them to true authentic worship.
Luke Heywood
Prophetess Andrea is one of the most creative and committed person I know. Irrespective of the struggles she has faced I have witnessed her unflinching commitment to her family and her Kingdom assignment. I admire her strength, courage, faithfulness, resilience, and her humility. She is servant leader and knows how to bring out the best in others individually and in challenging team settings.
Jonelle Heywood
Prophetess Andrea is the embodiment of worship. Over the years, she has shown us time and time again that personal circumstances are temporary but worshipping God is a never-ending, permanent act. As a worship leader, she carries the glory of God. Her Worship to God is easy. Her worship to God is light. Her worship to God is a sweet-smelling savor unto God.
Prophetess Zerema Long
Prophetess Andrea carries an anointing to shift the atmosphere and bring in the presence of the Lord. She is humble, with a heart to serve even as she leads others.
...very passionate in her love for the Lord.